Introducing Fungible-Paper Tokens!
Segue to Marina Abramovic and Damien Hirst
Title: When The World Was Young, 40cmx50cm, Watercolor on Fungible-Paper Token (Upon purchase, this painting will be cut into FPTs & distributed as detailed)
So, many of you may be familiar with the NFT craze gripping the post-post-modern art world, with some of the world’s famous digital mavens like Marina Abramovic and Damien Hirst producing and selling these innovative products. I’m not going to send you off to a bunch of hyperlinks in this post. Here’s a screenshot of a Google search:
You get the idea. It’s big news, very fancy, very AI.
I’ve gone back to the drawing board with watercolors and pencils. This painting will be cut up into little paper pixels of about 10 x 10 cm and sent by post (with real stamps!) to the first 20 buyers who make an offer.
Very nice! Keep on going........E